Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare
Govt. of West Bengal

Kanyashree Prakalpa has received national and international recognition for its design and features of good governance.

Awards Received

  1. West Bengal Chief Minister’s Award for Empowerment of Girls, 2014
  2. National E-governance Award 2014 – 2015 awarded by the Department of –October, 2014
  3. Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Government of India-
  4. Skoch Award and Order of Merit 2015 for Smart Governance- January, 2015
  5. Manthan Award for Digital Inclusion for Development (South Asia and Asia Pacific) 2014 under the category E-Women and Empowerment-October/November 2015
  6. CSI-Nihilent Award, 2014-15-3rd December, 2015
  7. United Nations WSIS Prize 2016 Champion in e-Government Category (WSIS Action Line C7) -4th May, 2016
  8. Finalist in Gemtech awards 2016 announced by ITU & UN Women.

The scheme was appreciated as a good practice at

  1. The “Girls’ Summit” organized by DFID and UNICEF (London, July 2014)
  2. Consultation on “Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancies” organized Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Delhi, March 2015)
  3. Consultation on “Empowerment of Adolescent Girls” organized by the World Bank (Ranchi, May 2015)
  4. National Workshop on “Conditional Cash Transfers for Children: Experiences of States in India” organized by NITI Aayog, India (Delhi, December 2015).
  5. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Enclave organized by U. S. Consulate & Shakti Vahini (Siliguri, February 2016)